Public Speaking Course:
Screen Size Approximation Chart
Here is a chart from my public speaking course that is a rough guide to use when someone asks you how large of a screen you need.
3-5 people 21 inches diagonal (53.34 cm)
5-9 people 29 inches diagonal (73.66 cm)
10-15 people 37 inches diagonal (93.98 cm)
16-35 people 60 inches diagonal (152.4 cm)
36-50 people 72 inches diagonal (182.88 cm)
51-140 people 120 inches diagonal (304.8 cm)
141-220 people 150 inches diagonal (381.0 cm)
221-390 people 200 inches diagonal (508.0 cm)
391+ people 300 inches diagonal (762.0 cm)
Keep this guide with you to use when needed.
