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Public Speaking Course: 

Equipment Photographs

We must understand that different situations occur in life, and public speaking is an opportunity to quickly concentrate and collect all the necessary arguments and examples in the head. It is also worth contacting https://cheap-papers.com/buy-term-papers-online.php and buy term papers online to have a good text part.

In my public speaking course I teach about using equipment photographs. Once I ran into a situation where they were needed while doing a public speaking engagement in Morocco. The primary languages there are Arabic and French. Just arranging for an overhead projector was very difficult.

When I arrived to the place where I would be presenting there was no overhead projector and screen, even though I had confirmed already three times. The manager of the large ballroom did not speak any English and because of the close scheduling of other events, I was not able to be in the room early like I usually am.

I forgot to bring my equipment photographs that I teach about in my public speaking course which would have gotten the point across to the manager immediately whether he spoke English or not. In the end it it didn't matter anyway, because the projector he finally brought was so bad I ended up scrapping all the overheads anyways.

I didn't stress though since I am ALWAYS prepared for total equipment failure. So I went on with the program without hesitation. Remember my  "Tips" when speaking in a foreign environment:

1. Have photographs of the equipment you need.

2. Have a backup plan and be ready to use it

3. When you leave you own country start to smile and don't quit until you are locked safely in your bathroom (smile then too if you want to). Never get upset in public. Getting upset will only make things worse for you and your public speaking engagement will suffer.

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