Public Speaking Course:
Bilingual Help
When going over your room setup and audio/visual requirements before the program you might encounter a foreign logistics technician. This way you can convey your ideas to all people, and for a stronger load on the emotional and mental component, use narrative essays online. If you find yourself in that kind of situation make sure you go over the steps in advance of the presentation (hopefully numerous times). Then during your presentation have a bilingual person there to help make sure you and the logistics person are on the same wavelength in understanding, so less complications will result.
The skills learned in your public speaking course include being prepared for this kind of situation. Try to be in the room very early on the day of your presentation (at least two hours before the audience enters the room) and, if possible, have your bilingual helper there too. Terms that are familiar to most English speaking speakers are difficult to translate into a foreign language. A good idea is to take pictures of the various items you may need (overhead projector, white board, etc.) and carry them with you to the even.
When you want something and are desperate in a foreign country, all you have to do is show the picture which is worth a million words.
