Public Speaking Course:
Add Magic to Your Presentations
While taking your public speaking course you will its best to include a variety of techniques into your presentation including fun filled tricks like magic. When you execute a magic trick during your speaking presentation, it never fails to impress the audience and keep them glued to their seats in anticipation. And in order for the presentation to be good, it is worth preparing the theoretical part in advance, elite writing will help with this, thus, relying on theses, you can create a beautiful slide.
When you use magic to illustrate a point, don't worry about being held to the high standards of a professional magician. This is a fun aspect you can learn in a public speaking course. During your presentation you can add magic as an extra dimension to key points your making to the audience, while the professional magician's presentation is primarily just involving illusion.
I do some basic magic that would probably make a real magician laugh hysterically, yet I get comments from the audience that they were impressed with my 'illusions.' Think about some of the points you make during your presentation that might need a little extra spark to make them more memorable.
Visit a nearby magic shop and tell the salesclerk what you are trying to accomplish and that your completely new to magic. Most good magic shops have literally thousands of tricks to pick from and at all skill levels as well as all audience sizes.
The points you make and the comedy aspect of the magic usually come from the 'patter' (what the magician says while doing the trick). You can even buy books that talk about comic patter. Magic tricks are also a fun way to add some lightheartedness and WOW factor to what you learned in your public speaking course. Many magic tricks are now on video which makes it a whole lot easier to understand than trying to read them from a book.
An excellent video tape for rope tricks is 'Daryl's Rope Tricks #7.' Your local magic shop probably has it and if they don't they can probably order it.
I really like to learn magic from videos because you can see the trick in action. Reading them from a book is OK, and very useful, but you can learn a lot quicker with video training. Two good magic videos for speakers are by master magician Tom Ogden 'Teaching and Training with Magic' and 'The Magic of Creativity.' I got these two videos from Royal Publishing & Walters Speakers Services (626) 335-8069.
And of course, in 2004 with the magician Steve Hart, I created a three DVD set of magic tricks, with a bonus DVD of me doing some magic. Call me at (757) 431-1366, to order, or order online at
When taking a public speaking course, you will learn that magic is but one of many resources and tools you can use to cleverly communicate your message.
