Check out these Free articles on public speaking from Tom Antion's Public Speaking Course. Apart from these articles, you can use https://bestwritingservice.com/ where you can easily find best writing services and read well-prepared material. He is a highly paid professional speaker and public speaker trainer and has performed over 2,300 presentations all over the world. He is very respected in the public speaking field and is best known for his humorous style of presenting and "Wake 'em Up" techniques. These Free articles are a sample from his public speaking course that will give you some great tips on how to be a better public speaker. Remember to subscribe to Tom's free newsletter that is full of public speaking tips for Free!
Wake 'em Up! Business Presentations 336 Page Reference Book

- Over 1000 advanced speaking tips and techniques
- Pre-program Questionnaire . . . Adapt it or use it as is.
- Comprehensive International Section . . . Don't panic when you face a foreign audience.
- Heirloom Handouts . . . They'll keep them forever when you use these tips.
- The Latest, Greatest Seating Methods . . . Easy to use diagrams.
- Professional Level Introductions . . . Advanced Template. You fill in the blanks.
- Wake 'em Up Openings . . . 4 types of formula openings so you'll always have a variety.
- Instantly Usable Speaker Material . . . .Some lines just never get old.
- Attention Gaining Devices . . . You'll make insomniacs out of the audience members
when you use these 11 simple techniques.
- Speaking Formulas . . . Why beat your head against the wall to develop material. Just fill
in the blanks.
- Hard Hitting Closings . . . When you deliver these, they'll know you were there.
- Material Selection . . . Learn how to make appropriate choices to suit any audience.
- Tons of Professional Level Delivery Tips . . . and I mean TONS! More than any other presentation skills book anywhere. I guarantee it.
- 51 Stage Fright Strategies . . . Simply pick the mix that calms you down.
- Timing . . . Learn the secrets of knowing when to pause.
- Humor Placement . . . Where does it go? When should I use humor? You won't have to
wonder anymore.
- 5 Genius Techniques . . . Move over Einstein. You've got the theory of relativity, but
I've got the microphone.
- Bomproofing . . . You'll never deliver a dud after your learn these tricks.
- Saver Lines . . . Learn what to say to turn a turkey into a swan.
- 100 Pre-planned ad-libs . . . You'll look like a quick wit when you use these lines.
- Stage Movement . . . Where's the power on stage. This section tells you.
- Clothing Tips . . . Patterns, solids, pockets, ties, jewelry . . . a potpouri of handy info.
- 6 Involvement Techniques . . . Audiences demand it . . . now you have lots of ways to
deliver it.
- Emotional Language . . . Learn how to pick your words to push their buttons.
- Practice Techniques . . . Fantastic tricks that make you look smooooooooth . . . and
they take no time at all.
- 34 Ways to Be Funny . . . and only 1 is has anything to do with joketelling.
- Storytelling . . . You will really learn how to paint pictures in the audiences member's
minds . . . 27 dos and don'ts tell you how.
- Sources and Organization of Material . . . Find your stuff fast with these handy tips.
- Audio Visual Equipment . . . How to get the most out of the old standbys.
- Visual Design including the psychology of color . . . Kodak helped me on this chapter.
- Completely indexed . . . .I spent 4 days from midnight to 4:00 AM indexing this book
myself. I guarantee you can find what you want FAST!